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My most recent task was putting sound to the intro animation created by one of the artist on the team. For linear editing I placed the file in Pro Tools to match up audio to the exact frame.

I also did almost half of the sounds as foley to try something new and get used to using objects to create sounds and recording them. For example the cocoon shaking is an edited clip of me shaking a sugar packet in my glasses case. The cocoon rolling is a recording of me rolling an egg across a wooden surface.

To record these sounds I used my handy Tascam DR-07X.

Luminaria Intro Cutscene

Luminaria Intro Cutscene

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Sound Designer/ Audio Implementation

While working on Luminaria, I wanted the audio to make the player feel as though they were truly right there with Aspen in this forest. Sound effects and ambience remain subtle and sort of mysterious, as I feel this is the art direction of the 2D side-scroller.

The ambience heard throughout the game was recorded while I was at home at nighttime and it ended up working out perfectly for this atmosphere.

As shown in these two clips below, I did all sound design, music, and audio programming for this project

To play through yourself, the link to the page is provided.

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